For almost 35 years The Canadian Council for the Americas Alberta, CCA Alberta, has played an important role in creating a variety of informational events and networking opportunities to enhance trade and investment linkages between Alberta companies and countries of the Latin America and Caribbean region. If you are doing business in Latin America, or planning to enter into the Americas region you will find very valuable to become a member of our organization.

The Canadian Council for the Americas Alberta is the pre-eminent link between Alberta-based businesses and the markets of Latin America and the Caribbean. Through a variety of informational events and networking opportunities, CCA’s mission is to forge enhanced trade linkages between Alberta companies and countries of this region.
CCA’s members and audience are composed of large, medium and small size organizations in the oil and gas and another sectors interested in doing business or expanding its operations to Mexico and Latin America. Other members include government agencies and educational institutions which mandate is on international trade and investment opportunities between Canada and the Americas region.